

How Is The Sulfur Dyes Market In Bangladesh?

-669113259_394445290_30512495Sulphur Black 240% dye is a commonly used textile dye. The global market size of Sulphur Black 240% dye reached about 2 billion yuan in 2022, and maintained a high compound annual growth rate from 2018 to 2022. Considering the future trend, the market size is expected to be close to 2.5 billion yuan by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate of 3.1% in the next six years.

Considering the important position of Bangladesh in the field of chemicals and dyestuffs, Dye + Chem, the Dhaka Chemical and Dyestuff Exhibition in the country, is one of the largest chemical and dyestuff exhibitions in the country, attracting a large number of exhibitors and visitors every year, displaying the latest chemical and dyestuff products. This is further evidence of Bangladesh’s important position in the dye market.

As an important base of the global textile industry, Bangladesh’s sulfur black dye market has also shown a steady growth trend. In recent years, with the rapid development of textile industry in Bangladesh, the demand for sulfur black dyes is also rising. In addition, the Bangladesh government is also actively promoting the development of the chemical industry, providing a good policy environment for the dyestuff industry.

In the Sulphur Black 240% dyestuff market of Bangladesh, products from China, India and Germany occupy a larger market share. Dyestuff products from these countries are welcomed by the Bangladesh market for their excellent quality and competitive prices. However, with the increasingly stringent environmental regulations, the dye industry is facing higher environmental requirements. Therefore, in the future, the sulfur black dye market in Bangladesh will pay more attention to the research and development and application of environmentally friendly dyes.

In order to meet the market demand, dyestuff enterprises in Bangladesh have increased their R & D investment to develop new environmentally friendly dyestuffs. At the same time, the government is also increasing its support for the dyestuff industry, encouraging enterprises to carry out technological innovation and industrial upgrading by providing tax incentives, financial support and other measures. In addition, Bangladesh has cooperated with international dyestuff research institutes to introduce advanced dyestuff production technology and management experience in order to improve the international competitiveness of its dyestuff industry.

Our company produces a large number of sulfur dyes, Sulphur Black 240%, Sulphur Blue 7, and so on sulfur variegated, sold at home and abroad. Powder sulfur black and environment-friendly Sulphur Black Liquid are the two main raw materials on the market. We can provide good after-sales service and price advantage. Welcome to consult and place orders.

Post time: Jun-05-2024