

About Solvent Red 146.

Solvent Red 146 is a deep red powdered substance that exhibits good solubility in organic solvents such as alcohols, ethers, esters, etc., but is insoluble in water. As a dye, solvent red 146 is widely used in the dye industry, especially in dyeing textiles, fibers and plastic products. At the same time, it can also be used in ink, paint and pigment industries.

More specifically, solvent Red 146 performs well in plastic coloring. The pigment is not easily soluble in conventional solvents, so it is usually necessary to disperse it evenly in the plastic by mechanical stirring to achieve the ideal coloring effect. In contrast, solvent dyes such as solvent red 146 are better dissolved in plastics, providing them with bright colors.

In plastic coloring, there are usually two ways to use the solvent red 146: one is to dissolve the solvent red 146 in the appropriate organic solvent in advance, and then add it to the polymer; The other is to add the solvent red 146 directly to the hot-melted polymer.

The pre-dissolved method ensures an even distribution of the dye in the polymer, resulting in a brighter, more consistent color. However, this method requires precise control of the ratio of solvent to dye, as well as the temperature and time of mixing and heating, otherwise it may cause the dye to precipitate or disperse unevenly. The direct addition method is simpler and faster, but may require a higher temperature and longer time to ensure that the dye completely dissolves and dispersions.

In addition to plastic coloring, solvent Red 146 can be used in many other applications. For example, it can be used as a biological stain to show the structure of cells and tissues; It can also be used for laser printing cartridges to provide bright red printing effect; It can also be used for printing textiles and paper to provide a long-lasting red color.

Overall, solvent Red 146 is a very effective dye that can provide bright color in many different applications.


Post time: Aug-07-2024